Friday, March 14, 2008

Art Group Schedule

Every month there will be 3 opportunities for you to participate and engage your art-brain with like minded individuals.

One is a focused study and Vineyard art group gathering-this will be held Thursday nights(the 3rd of the month)denoted AG below.

The second is somewhat of the experiential side: and varies in the date, but will more likely be on Saturdays. We'll select an activity that is being put on in the community and after attending the event/show/reading etc, we'll have some coffee/tea/water and discuss the experience/art/event and our thoughts and reactions.

Thirdly, the worship nights, occur on Fridays at Fat Trees Studio as well(except this good friday coming up) and are a chance to worship and soak, as well as get some awesome time with God to brainstorm and be inspired. denoted as WN below.

Here is the schedule for the next few months. Some of the special events are yet to be determined.

Spring Calendar

March | Thursday the 20th 6:45 pm AG at Fat Trees Studio:6th + 6th
March | Friday the 21st 7-9 pm WN church office-Good Friday Evening of Reflection
March | 28th or 29th TBA Lord of the Rings multimedia concert / or photography exhibit at the CCP

April | Friday the 11th 7-9 pm WN @ FT Studio: Bowing before God the Holy One
April | Thursday the 17th 6:45 pm AG at Fat Trees Studio:6th + 6th
April | TBA

May | Friday the 9th 7-9 pm WN at Fat Trees Studio : Living as Sons and Daughters of God the Father
May | Thursday the 15th 6:45 pm AG at Fat Trees Studio : 6th + 6th
May | TBA

June | Summer Break for Worship Nights
June | Thursday the 19 6:45 pm AG at Fat Trees Studio : 6th + 6th
June | 15 Saturday 5-7 pm Artswalk, downtown gallery openings

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